

Do you feel stuck? Like the world keeps moving and you are stagnant? Wondering, how do I grow as a person? Where do I even begin? Let's explore and navigate how to grow and work on becoming the best you that you can be!

Growing as an individual can be mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. There are times you may feel strong in one area and struggling in another. I encourage you to take one area at a time or make small steps in each area. Attempting to dramatically grow in all areas can set you up for failure. I want you to succeed! Remember, success takes time. Give yourself grace, forgiveness, and self encouragement as you begin to figure out what your best self looks like.

Mental Growth

Throughout the day, our thoughts never stop. Our brains have a running to do list, gives flashbacks to memories, takes in surroundings, and is constantly trying to make sense of the world. Mental growth begins by bringing awareness to your thoughts. Some thoughts are conscious, some are unconscious, resulting in taking action before thinking. By actively paying attention to your thoughts, you will be able to rewire your thoughts. In order to grow, you have to transform your thinking from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is limiting.

  • "Failure is the limit of my abilities"

  • "I do not like to be challenged"

  • "I am good or bad, I can do it or I can't"

  • "My image is my worth"

  • "I have hit my peak of potential"

  • "I need to avoid uncertainty and things I do not know"

  • "I am not good enough"

A growth mindset is freeing.

  • "Failure is the opportunity to learn"

  • "Challenges help me grow"

  • "My efforts and attitude determine my ability"

  • "My worth and value come from within"

  • "I can learn to do anything I want"

  • "I embrace uncertainty and try new things"

  • "I am good enough and worthy"

You have the power to re-frame your thoughts. Counteract your negative self-talk with affirmations and a balanced perception of yourself, situations and people you interact with. These concepts can be applied to you as an adult and your child. Begin with awareness of yourself to be able to support your child and help them with awareness.

Physical Growth

Growing physically natural happens as we age, then becomes stagnant before declining. An exciting and sad reality to life. Growth of our bodies is hereditary. We also have the ability to help or hinder physical growth.

Ways to help physical growth:

  • Limit screen time

  • Get outside

  • Stretch

  • Move your body (walk, dance, weight lift, swim, whatever feels good for you)

  • Eat a well balanced diet

  • Clean up your physical environment (pick up dishes, wipe of surfaces, declutter)

  • Make hygiene a priority (brush your teeth, hair, take a shower, wash your face, take your make-up off before bed)

  • Drink water (carry around a water bottle to make sure you stay hydrated)

  • Get adequate sleep (try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day)

  • Practice yoga and meditation

Emotional Growth:

When thinking of emotional growth, think of growing emotional tolerance. Emotional tolerance is being able to have emotions and not let them consume you. When emotional moments happen, it is important that the response aligns with the situation. Through growing an emotional tolerance you can take a situation such as a child spilling milk that may elicit a reaction of yelling and frustration to being able to check in with your body (maybe feeling warm or clenching your teeth), identifying you are frustrated, regulate by taking a deep breath, then responding through communication and problem solving ("I am frustrated that the milk spilled, let's clean it up, and maybe next time ask for help when you need to get milk"). Here are some ways to grow emotional tolerance:

  • Identify your body sensations (racing heart, heavy body, tight fists, tightness in throat, tightness in chest, racing thoughts)

  • Connect body sensations to emotions (racing heart-scared, heavy body-sad, clenched jaw-frustrated)

  • Identify your feelings

  • Set healthy boundaries

  • Find ways to regulate (walk, drink water, deep breaths, call a friend, mediate, eat, sleep, get outside, pet your pets, ask for a hug)

  • Journal

  • Learn to communicate healthy (express your feelings, use "I" statements when talking, allow for others to talk, listen)

  • Create mantras (I am strong, I am kind, I am enough)

  • Challenge negative thoughts, balance with positive thoughts

  • Ask yourself why you are reacting in the way you are (Has this happened before? What is another way I can go about this?)

Social Growth:

The way we view our social lives has dramatically changed since entering a pandemic. Some connect in person. Some connect online. Some struggle to connect at all. We are in a time where we are all working on social growth. Individually and collectively. There are many ways to connect and grow!

  • Prioritize friends who make you feel good

  • Unfollow and block negativity on social media

  • Join a group with like minded individuals

  • Connect with people without distractions

  • Take care of yourself before you take care of others

  • Set and respect boundaries

  • You deserve kindness, respect, and being accepted as you are

  • Use social media to learn and grow, follow inspiration

  • Be with people who make you laugh

Spiritual Growth:

Spiritual growth is a process of connecting to your inner being. Shedding thoughts, beliefs, values, and actions that no longer serve you. It is connecting to find the truth of who you are and align your true self with the world around you.

  • Connect with a community that aligns with your authentic self

  • Spend time in nature

  • Practice yoga and meditation

  • Read

  • Volunteer or help others

  • Practice gratitude

  • Practice self-forgiveness

  • Bring awareness to what is no longer serving you

  • Find hobbies

  • Notice people, places, and things that spark empowerment and meaning within yourself

Take growth one day or one moment at a time. The idea is for you to create a world within you and around you that aligns with who you truly are. Through authenticity, you have the power to be the best you you can be, and continue to grow.

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