"Good Enough" Parenting

"Good Enough" Parenting

One of the first things I learned as a parent, was how there was so much pressure to parent the “right” way.  Pressured by concepts like organic, attachment, brain development and good behavior, there is always one approach promising the best outcomes in our children.  Relax.  There is not one right way for everyone. Research also tells us the best outcomes for children come from “good enough” parenting.   Parents make mistakes and may at times be inconsistent.  However, overall, they see their child realistically and have age-appropriate expectations, empathize with their child’s point of view and carry out the basic tasks of parenthood.

You are good enough.

Book Review: Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett, PhD

Book Review: Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett, PhD

Book Review: Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls by Lisa Damour, PhD

Book Review: Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls by Lisa Damour, PhD