Book Review: Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World Vivek H. Murthy, MD

Book Review: Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World Vivek H. Murthy, MD

Murthy interviewed scientists, researchers, physicians, program developers, and others looking at the evolutionary necessities of being part of a community and how a lack of meaningful connection impacts neurobiology and physical health.  He found that loneliness is also a major reason behind “problematic behavior” such as memberships in gangs and substance abuse.

“Quite simply, human relationship is as essential to our well-being as food and water.  Just as hunger and thirst are our body’s ways of telling us we need to eat and drink, loneliness is the natural signal that reminds us when we need to connect with other people.”

Not just any connection will do.  Meaningful connection involves talking to one another and sharing honestly and openly on a regular basis.  Another antidote to loneliness is serving others, found  by researchers to lower activity in the brain’s threat center and improving symptoms of depression and anxiety.  Murthy also talked with researches about the role of technology in loneliness and connection.  Technology can mean that we are not meaningfully engaged in either the our virtual or physical life.  Using our technology to meaningfully connect can be powerful.  It is important to intentionally set technology aside to fully engage in in-person connection.

How does this make us at Flourish better able to support you?  We have a renewed commitment to nurturing meaningful connections; between clients and therapists, children and parents, and clients and the important people in their lives.  This book also reminds us why therapuetic groups are so healing for people.  Connecting with people facing similar challenges in life creates a community where safe, honest and open support can foster healing.  

This book is even more relevant today with the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are physically separated from others more than we ever have been.  If you are feeling lonely, use that as an opportunity to try to find ways to meaningfully connect with others.  We have had to find creative ways to safely connect with each other.  Call a loved one, join an online community, find a way to give back to the community.  There are others out there that need connection as much as you do.

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